Viewing single post of blog Notes from an obsessive/compulsive butterfly

I have a confession to make. I have been blogging elsewhere – I feel like I have been unfaithful, since it was here on Artists Talking that I made my first tentative steps into blogging. The problem was that I wanted to write about some things which felt very personal, and I was not sure that I wanted to air them here. In fact the ‘other’ blog is also public, and under my name, but, appearing in a less specific forum, it seems more anonymous somehow. It was a useful exercise for me, because I now have a much better perspective on exactly how much my life and my work are intertwined. I suppose I felt that I was obliged to talk about my work here (although looking back I see that I was starting to drift off-topic from time to time), whereas there are things that take place all the time which are inextricably linked to my work. Anyway, confession over, now you know.

I have been very busy whilst I have been away. An experimental painting was selected for John Moores 2010, and is currently on exhibition in Liverpool. I was also selected for Salon 2010 at Matt Roberts Arts, which I am very excited about. And I have been making work with dead flies. Barking mad as it may sound, for me it is one of the most exciting pieces I have made so far.