As this installation was undertaken at night, the video is very dark however I have made a video to document some of the work taken.


This temporary sculpture deals with the theme of mortality and the limited time each life has. Each ball of ice is suspended by red wool to the branches of a tree. the red wool runs from Ā inside the ice, up to the the trees branch down to the base of the tree where a dominant ice ball connects over 50 strands each leading to a ball of ice.

The larger ice ball represents the heart, the wool represents veins and the suspended ice symbolises life.

This sculpture is only visible for a few hours before the ice melts away and leaves nothing but strands of wool blowing in the wind.


A few samples from the photo journal I made of this Installation.


Red wool is used to suspend ice from the branches of a tree. the significantly larger ice sculpture is featured at the base of the tree with multiple red strings reaching up and around the tree to reach the single string ice sculptures hanging from above.


This next experiment continued with freezing water in balloons however, this time a few were mixed with red or blue poster paint. These sample photographs were taken over a period of 24 hours.



This video isĀ Untitled 2015. It shows a time lapse video of a ball of ice being held until it has completely dripped away. The video references endurance due to the freezing and numbing effect of the ice on human flesh – the ice had to be held for over 45 minutes – it also references temporary life due to the constant drops of water as the ice melts away.