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I went to the Jerwood space yesterday, to hear a panel discussion focussing on opportunities for emerging artists. The panel consisted of Josh Lilley, a gallery owner; Julie Lomax, Head of Visual arts at Arts Council England; David Rayson, Professor of Painting at the RCA; and David Cotterrell, an artist.

I suppose I mainly wanted to know whether there was anything I ought to know/do that I didn’t already. In respect of that, there probably wasn’t much that came as a surprise. The fact that galleries like to feel they’ve spotted you, not the other way round – people have been telling me that for years! The fact that networking really matters – all the Private Views and stuff like that – ditto (unfortunately, for a shy soul like me).

But what I came away feeling generally encouraged, and glad I’d come all the way up from North Essex. I can’t remember why, but early on the audience was asked for a show of hands, to see how much of the audience would describe themselves as painters – and a large proportion did! I hadn’t expected that at all. I suppose my preconception is that the majority of artists would identify mainly with installation and photography. Does it matter? After all, you could say that if there are lots of other painters out there, it only adds to the competition. But I don’t feel that; I just feel some sense of camaraderie, of a shared endeavour.

All the panellists came across well, I thought. I particularly enjoyed what David Rayson had to say. Such as ‘Live in your own film – do it to such a degree that it becomes a reality’ (he elaborated more on this, but I can’t write that fast, so didn’t get it down on paper). The event was being filmed; we weren’t told what for, but I’m assuming it will go on YouTube or something via A-N.

I had a quick whisk round the Jerwood painting show again; I saw it a couple of weeks ago and have been meaning to blog about it, but haven’t yet got around to it. I shall soon.