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Viewing single post of blog Pelagic Sculpture Project, Shetland

As I am here inside listening to Storm Abigail arriving, due to be an amber warning and the schools are closed tomorrow here in Shetland. The winds and rain are sounding around the house, my thoughts again turn to being at sea. I have just taken my dog out for a walk in the dark and we listened to the roar of waves while feeling the gusts of wind and I just imagine how it is out in the deep water, on the swell and it really brings it home, the risks of being at sea, the strength of the sea, the unpredictability of the weather and the demanding, perilous conditions that fishermen often had to work in.

So thinking about that I will continue on my boat names list:
Jesse Sinclair
Margaret Rose

Northern Light
Press On
Maid of the Mist
Spec Vera
Brighter Morn
Constant Friend

……..and more