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The Naze Vale Gallery associate curator Kurt Hanson-Lee is sitting in the sun on the coffee shop patio with frappucinio in hand.

He’s refrained from gazing at his Neo-geo pad screen having just noticed a scrumpled up letter on the table. He flattens out the black paper and begins to read the text written in white Biro, recognising the name James Smithson – one of the latest voluntary interns.


a few clippings from the Lunderbach paper. The closing of the mental health for the elderly is disgusting compared with the next page Jonas Hellerton shaking hands with a millionaire opening of LUXURY APTS – The Rich get RICH AND under this new leader Clive Dunn The POOR are getting poorer…just like the pissin old days. The said man Dr Peter Millardino owns loads of race horses and also the posh Duchess of Tranquilayers rode one of the horses in the Tranquilayers Confederation stakes. Lunderbach has changed…full of RICH paying little Taxes while the poorer are paying big Taxes its a case of you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

money talks here the federal district parliamentarians such as Millardino are on Thousands a month They refuse point blank to take a pay cut like the rest of the NORMAL people and they sit on their podiums while the elderly mental health suffer. everywhere you go there are boxes for charities while those two clowns rake in the cash…the gov are crap. love Lydia xx.’

‘PS…I hope the new job is going well for you. I’d love to come to Pointeso some day. Maybe my numbers will come up over the weekend…’

Mr Kurt Hanson-Lee screws the paper into a ball and drops it into the waste paper bin under the table, returning his soft but steely gaze back towards the computer screen.