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Pointeso Art Scene: Zindustrious Artist Carlo Tanner whines via his socialist networking blog.

I just can’t seem to get ahead. What is my game plan? What am I gonna do next? I ain’t getting any younger that’s for sure. I’ve nil strategy and nil exhibition plan. I tend to doubt my own ideas. I can’t pay the car tax let alone apply for the next Bayerns open competition.

I’ve been thinking abut travelling out to the Hilti Forest and doing some short films in different contexts using a 35mm format, split screen images installation for the proposal but I feel too cream crackered after my 12 hours on the machines.

I recall a bright eyed youthful me about 15 years junior. My union rep told me to be wary about working the machines. ‘Look at their faces’ he told me. I looked at those grey, slack jawed souless entities and thought to myself that ‘I’ll never be one of them.’

I refuse to look in the mirror.