I seem to be too busy to come on here which is disappointing.

Anyway – I have been emailing with the possibility of showing some work into an exhibition in Sheffield and have some ideas that they may be interested in, finalising ideas this week to post off. Quite excited about it.

Off to Bristol tomorrow to the Arnolfini then to an Ixia seminar Thursday – Public Art needs Time Limits, it sounds fascinating and I’m really looking forward to it.

Will be using tomorrow evening to try and work on my presentations for Uni, be good to have some space to myself, no kids to worry about. Just one evening of being able to work without worry.

Oh and I didn’t win the Eco Art prize, not surprised that Ilsa Parry won for her Sworth light, it was lovely and she is a more well known commercial designer, never thought it would go to a graduate for one minute.

The dinner was quite bizarre, a really interesting experience but maybe not for me – all so formal, lots of speeches. Beautiful setting though. The announcement of the winner was a complete mess, the chair announced the wrong winner and she had to go up in front of 500 guests to collect her prize only to be told he’d made a mistake and it was a different winner. It was really dreadful, so glad I didn’t win after that to be completely honest and I truly hope the person involved gets a HUGE apology.