Crazy Busy – loving it – I finished the Sheffield artwork, just have to get there tomorrow and set it up, have added a 3D element so it may take a few hours to set up now but I’m sure it will be done in time.

2 Friends coming with me to help out and enjoy the PV.


Then Saturday driving down to Southend to set up show number 2 – ‘A Set of Odd Volumes’ http://www.coexist.org.uk/

Julie Dodd and her husband have borrowed a van and are driving all my books down for me on Friday – I have such great friends.

All very exciting.

AND… I get to stay in the METAL artists house in Southend which looks amazing.

Last but not least, I have hopefully identified my site for my MA project, an amazing local nature reserve and butterfly park that is under threat of closure. If they can manage to stay open they are really keen for me to work with them and I have so many ideas that could all lead to a really interesting year.

Right 1.30am – very tired after 3 x 2am finishes making A-Z houses and pylons, so I am going to try and sleep Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I have been a busy bee – trying to sort out work for an exhibition in Sheffield. OutofOffice arts are presenting a group exhibition in The Electric Works, Sheffield and I have been asked to join them which was a big thrill.So as I didn’t know Sheffield at all I thought my piece could be about finding my way there, what I discover en-route. I’ve bought/found a few relevant A-Z books and have mapped my route page by page, doodling as I go. Has been quite an experience, you notice all kinds of things that you might ordinarily just drive past, also the drawings are literally doodles which is far more free than my old illustrating style and very liberating. Moving so fast the doodles have to stay squiggly doodles, some are completely unrecognisable as objects but I really like that – add some secrecy to the project.
Then also I have to try and get my Degree show work down to Southend on Sea (in one piece – well 10 actually but…) for another group exhibition of book art. Very exciting yet stressful as I have to hire a van – more expense but it sounds like such a great exhibition I can’t complain too much. Plus there are two of us going which makes it a bit easier.
Today I was asked to take part in another possible exhibition in the summer in Liverpool and I have made some contacts to aid me in my MA study based in Wirral. It’s all go….