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Wandering around Manchester getting a feel for site and archive was far more interesting than I had thought. Not that I didn’t think it would be interesting but it was altogether different from my imaganings.

We looked at site, place, space, architecture, some public art and visited 4 libraries – all beautiful.

Manchester Central Library, The Portico (private members) libraty, The Chetham School of Music Library (Harry Potter eat your heart out) and then the amazing John Rylands Library, well worth a visit for any book lover. I could live in there!!

Popped into see the New Comtemporaries exhibition at the Cornerhouse whilst there, some fantastic work this year.

it has set me up to want to produce more art again, I have been busy in work and busy with portrait and caricature commissions(have to pay the bills somehow) but need to do some work I actually like too.

So I have started some artist books (of a kind) as I’m sharing a table with some students from Wirral Met at the Manchester Artist book fair in November. It’ll be very interesting to see other books again, I always get inspired at these fairs. Also good to share a space as I know I wont have time to produce anywhere near the amount of books you would need to fill a whole table.

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