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Very busy week, exciting in work as The Forestry Commission have just agreed to re-instate Raumlabor’s Jantar Mantar for one day only in Southport, so I’m busy helping organise that. Photo here if you want to see it.


I have just booked my hotel in Bristol for the Ixia One Day Sculpture seminar in December, so it’ll be good to get some feedback on the Jantar there.

I was accepted into the finals of a local eco art competition, doing very badly in the vote though – a very lovely light design is winning but I’m also being beaten by a sock monster (a cute sock monster but a sock monster nonetheless) which feels a bit bizarre.

I get to go to an annual dinner party with the other finalists so I’m hoping that I can ‘network’ whilst spreading the ‘environmental art’ word.

The shortlist is here http://bit.ly/XLK5C for you to see and if you want to, please vote for your fave (hopefuly me) here: http://bit.ly/3p2XkX

I am researching madly for my MA and have just suggested that for my main project I concentrate on Wirral (where I live) as I am researching 4 separate parts of Wirral for a Biennial project any way and it’s seems sensible to take advantage of that and work with it.

My boss at The Biennial is really keen and thinks it’s great that I can benefit them and my own practice at the same time. Interesting times ahead.