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Recently, I have had the opportunity to work in collaboration with Wild Card campaign team, who are working campaigns to rewild Royal, Oxbridge and Church land. I originally contacted them about potentially working alongside them on my rewilding project.

However, after a call with them a few weeks ago, we decided to do a collaborative project in celebration of the Jubilee, to work with their Rewild Royal Land campaign. This decision came about after they had looked at my artist website and seen the work that I did last year, creating digital portraits with videos and interviews of activists from Fridays For Future. They really liked my portraits and the concept of the video, and felt there Wass an opportunity for me to create a video and drawing of the Queen in time for the Jubilee for them to share via Social Media, with an audio (which will congratulate the Queen on her Jubilee, but also ask how she and the crown estate intend to move on with rewilding their land in the next 70 years) read by a celebrity that they have contact with.

This is a really great opportunity for me and promoting my practice, as due to the celebrity involvement, it will hopefully get a wide audience, as well as opening up new doors and opportunities for me as an artist – including continuing to work in collaboration with Wild Card.