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Bits and Pieces

Another postscript, these are Facebook comments, in response to my last post.

Kate Murdoch: “Ha! ‘Ladies Parts’ – so ’70s. Kind of thing I’d [imagine] car salesman Tony from the Fast Show saying!”

Me: “Yes-‘Selling cars (or sewing) is like making love to a beautiful woman.'”

Laura Callaghan: “There was an interesting discussion about “lady parts” or the “c” word as they had to call it at 11am in the morning, on R4 yesterday on Woman’s Hour…All about reclaiming a word for ladies bits and pieces. ‘VAJAY-JAY’ doesn’t quite cut it in my opinion…!”

Me: Thanks Laura, will listen to that and yes “VAJAY-JAY” and all those other infantile adjectives are not grown up words, but how you clean-up and de-baggage the “c” word, is a difficult one…

Am off to listen to the Woman’s Hour programme…in the meantime please feel free to comment.