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(Post by Kay)

Yesterday was the most gloriously sunny day, which we spent filming on and around two of the best beaches in Burra, packed (well, not exactly packed but quite busy; this isn’t Brighton!) with families making the most of the last couple of days of the summer holidays – tomorrow Scottish schools go back. One family arrived and I overheard them saying “This is like the Med!” Indeed it was, and quite a few people did brave the water too. (I am afraid my Scottish upbringing swimming in meltwater has finally worn off and I did not consider it for more than a fraction of a second!)

Today, on the other hand – rain, rain, rain. So we spent almost the whole day in the booth. It’s past midnight and Joseph is still working on the footage from yesterday’s filming sessions. Here he is sporting his ‘tortured artist’ face!

I am half way through identifying the botanical specimens I have been collecting for the past two weeks. This is turning out to be quite a major undertaking and challenging at that. I am taking a self-taught crash-course in botany! My new book “Shetland Wild Flowers” is proving to be invaluable, and yet, it still does not contain all the information I seek. I have been photographing highly magnified microscopic images of plants, so many of them are almost unidentifiable because my images are not representative of the actual flower. It’s also difficult because the plants are decomposing rapidly. Anyway I’m getting there!

Here are some photographs of flowers I took yesterday at Meal Beach to keep things cheerful!