Viewing single post of blog Staffordshire University

So university finished about 2 months ago. What have I been up to?

I packed my things and moved to London. Since then I have finally had a little free time to read, visit exhibitions, art events and open studio days; most recently Hackney Wicked which was a lot of fun.

I have also been frantically sifting through opportunities to find relevant art jobs and residencies, as well as jobs in general as I need to pay the rent. I am also on the look out for an affordable studio space ( + I need to find someone willing to share a space to reduce the rent price).

I have also found out that my artwork will be part of New Art West Midlands 2014. This is an annual 3 month, milti-sited exhibition primarily for selected recent graduates in the West Midlands. I cannot wait for the meetings to commence and for me to figure out which venue(s) my work fits the best in.

Here is a link with information about all of the 20 selected visual artists: http://tpwm.squarespace.com/new-art-west-midlands-2014/2013/8/15/new-art-west-midlands-2014-artists-announced.html