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Working on 3 paintings today.  What will be the AURA painting I want to have many layers, my homage to Walter Benjamin for Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and Malevich Black Square.  He painted the first one in 1915 so I enjoy the 100 year celebration by redoing it in 2015 but this time with pink, so its way women are the Aura, we have an Aura, we have any layers, we are full of imperfections and that is what makes us all unique and interesting.I didnt realise when I order the size for the canvas that he did more than one ‘black square’ so this one mimicks the 106cm square one. The best laid plans and all that.

I have been painting the pipe for the Teachery painting. Again, an update on This is not a pipe. Playful I hope and a little more hand hitting than is my natural style but its a gift horse so I have to use it, The Treachery of Images by Margritte painted in 1929 is recycled as a feminist work saying that men have been treacherous in their betrayal of womens rights. I have left a little smoke coming from the pipe to suggest that the issues are still smoldering and not yet laid to rest.

Last of my, my very personal and playful response to a visiting artists tutorial in which I was told ‘Art is not meant to be fun!’.  Well, this is my playful result. A painting which says just that, which means of course, it is. Or at least, it should for me.  That the creative process should be a joyous and highly personal thing that you must always believe in. A small piece of concrete poetry.  I feel I am finally finding my own voice. The paintings are becoming just that.  Not replications in paint of the existing world, but ideas from inside my head. That for me, is a huge step forward.