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A year or so ago I gave a talk about my work at Beacon Bimonthlies 7.


The basis for my talk was about how I have found that it is impossible to get away from yourself – your ‘core being’ will always somehow present itself and it was that I found that I was wearing a pair of red Mary Janes at the talk just like the ones in the picture of me wearing my ‘Face Dress’ when I was 17 a long time ago.

This theme seems to also be recurrent for me. It is not that I exactly want to escape, but that I would like to feel that I have the option. I would also like to feel that I have grown up at some point and progressed a little from things that interested and appealed to me as a teenager. Sadly this seems not to be –


So the other day, whilst sitting in my studio, sewing on my daily quota of labels onto SPECTRUM (I have to do this, it is a sort of ‘treat’ – otherwise I would do nothing else for days) my mother came in with something amazing.

Whilst having a bit of a sort out, she had found this label. This was the label from my very first school cardigan when I started infant school in 1974. Fearing that I might be bullied for having a cardi from the archetypal ‘posh shop’ she cut it out of the garment, and for some reason saved it for 39 years.

Suddenly my work makes much more sense to me.

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