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A fresh haircut…
Clean shaven and bathed…

The dogs walked… sunset observed stood in field; purple orange cloud, framed by clear emerald blue as front moves away revealing clear, star studded newness… dusk descends… ghost mist rising from the cooling land…

Cold, crisp air… a new image forms…

The girls and partner delivered safely to the neighbours…
Festivities begun…

The ritual begins…

D’yo’know… Many moons ago, as one of my rites of passage, this night gave excuse to party and revel. One of my favourite nights of the year, I’d plan in advance… weeks ahead… the venue, the drink, the friends, the family… only to reach midnight and miss the chimes… the community… the celebration…

Waking next morning… wondering… hungover… bleary eyed… vowing never to do again… until same time next year!

No way to start any day…

No way to start any New Year…

So I decided… to start the year as I intended to live it… to set the agenda… to ensure the practice…

The scene is set…

A portfolio review booked at The National Centre for Craft and Design in early February, ensuring I have to make work…

Another years project having booked my place on TEA @ Sketchbook Circle… another collaboration… my starting point already secured… sketchbook sorted and begun…

Application form for The Design Factory downloaded and ready to fill out…

Advice on new artists sort on NSEAD online, ready to be fitted into new schemes of work for school… never teach the same module twice…

Blog in process… commitment to write at least each second week…

New Year… new start…

16 years ago this year, I decided that on New Year’s Eve I would lock myself away and set the agenda for the coming year… I am compelled to see the New Year in making a painting or image to ensure my practice for the year ahead. Without fail, this is now how I start my year… fearing that should I not do so, my practice will follow example…


Stretched canvas… quality paper… paints… pens… pencils… iPads… the work has varied over the years from surreal portrait of cat to spiritual dot painting and abstract musings… I never know what will come out… only that it will…

I love this evening…

First the silence…


Playlist ready… Sacred Spirit… David Lynch… Anthony &The Johnson’s… Agnes Obel… Enigma… my creator companions…

Zen… my meditation… I shall drift and float…

I hope for…

You ever get that?

Living in the image… timeless… the process of making… purpose… reason… oneness… meaning…

Art – the craft of making – is my drug. I can’t think of a better farewell and entrance to the year… feed the elixir… the buzz and slow comedown of the reveal after the passion of exertion… I’m ready for my fix…

A wise old man once told me that I’d been given a gift; that failing to use it was criminal…

I’m ready to be that which my creator made me…

I hope to be…


I wish you all, however you choose to see it in, a very peaceful and creative New Year…

Now, where was I?