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I think for now that I’ve had my fill of feelings… I want to concentrate on the good things…

Time to change the focus…

I sent off my proposal for the National Sculpture Prize today… Soooo out of my comfort zone… excited that I’m finally getting involved…

It’s a strong design I believe. I’m proud of the idea and what it represents and where it could take things; me… stepping away from the iPad… not quite… looking to use the iPad in a new way – and how it stands as a three dimensional drawing in its own right…

I’ve discussed the notion of ambiguity with friends… pondered figurative… sought opinion on various designs… compared to the obvious… drawn and re-drawn… considered… mused… contemplated… tried… altered…

Copper or steel?… tubing or bar?… Ply or hardwood?… Beech or iroko?… Both?… Height?… Width?… Measure and re-measure… Thickness?… Straight or curved?… One piece?… Two pieces?… Single boards?… Mortise and tenons?

I’ve titled the piece “Urban Tree” and it’s based on an iPad image of a figure wearing a hoody… which might just be too much information…

I plumped for ambiguous…

“Urban Tree is a natural evolution for the iPad manipulations that I have been developing. As a physical starting point, it crosses backwards and forwards between the virtual and the real in its progression towards spatial realisation and recognition. This drawing… and it remains as such… sits in a rural setting, challenging with an urban edge, the ambiguous threat of figure only hinted at from a set, pre-determined point: questioning the need for the figure to be recognised at all. The material of the main two structures chosen to help camouflage the metropolitan, hinted at by the industrial opposing metal that works as a foil against which the two might rail. Urban meets rural… This sculpture expresses the need for the figure to be able to exist in both”.

I have entered the process!…

And now I wait…
