I continued to work on a previous painting using oil paints and some white acrylic squeezed straight out of a tube as I was unhappy about how the texture of the aluminium shavings worked against the flat background. I think this painting is still unfinished. I am currently working on making a number of canvases so that I can work on them all simultaneously.  Hopefully this will give the paintings some connectivity as im aware that all of my paintings are quite different and I wish to work on a series.



I spent the weekend in london visiting galleries. I viewed exhibitions by Gerhart Richter and Ida Ekblad amoungst others. I particularly liked the work of Eddie Martinez which was displayed at the Timothy Taylor Gallery. An artist from New York who paints large canvases in bold colours. His application of paint is aggressive and areas of flat colour are separated by black line work. He uses spontaneous gesture, and the brushstrokes have speed and dexterity. He states that his gestures were limited by a temporary physical handicap from excessive tennis playing. He explored this physical injury as process. This reminds me of Cy Twombly and his attempts to thwart his draughtsmanship by painting in the dark and using his left hand.


New work, next stages.

I found the frame and cut a board I found to fit. I don’t think this frame works with the work however and have removed it. This work also possibly needs some quieter areas.


Another one of my artworks has been hung at university.


This is a new piece of work that I have begun. I found a large frame and a piece of hardboard which I cut to fit. This is the first layer using unwanted emulsion paints which I have sourced. I have also drawn into the paint with pencil. I will use oil paints and oil sticks once the paint is fully dried.