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Today: budgets. It has been a nitty gritty receipt filing sort of day.

I did however also get out to Wandsworth Park and was shown around the site looking at potential locations for the performance in two week’s time. Site visits are important events, the significance of which can sometimes get clouded in discussions of a practical sort only. I am glad I had a chance therefore to see this park twice, once alone and once in the company of Justine the arts officer and a fellow artist. I had looked at first for spaces that contained some of the ideas of the performance but found that the one I had in mind was already spoken for. Upon settling upon a simpler but more beautiful space that would at least ensure a public, I later discovered that it too had been taken. I am now in a quite unremarkable part of the park. Hopefully that may make it a receptive location. Looking up as I was leaving I did notice one thing about the site that was rather interesting: planes. It seems as if the flight path to Heathrow passes above this part of South West London and planes will be a regular feature of skies above the park. I suspect that I will find these helpful in grounding the performance in the here and now.

I have also been looking at some pictures I took from a site visit to Brighton a few days ago. I will be performing The Customer opposite Permanent Gallery in Spiral Charity Shop. There are a number of ways to use the space but I’m leaning towards one and thinking how to adapt the performance to it.