Viewing single post of blog The Inishlacken Project and others

Yesterday's drive to Clifden was spectacular; sweeping hills give way to mountains and lakes. The circuitous route followed the Inagh valley along a twisty winding road, often perilously close to the water's edge.

Rosie met me at Clifden. She is a painter and the project's curator. Her home and studio is in the middle of Roundstone, the mainland town, and it is open to the public during the summer months. Originally from Belfast, she was invited to do a residency in Roundstone seven years ago and stayed. This place has that effect on you, once here the outside world fades into insignificance and you are absorbed into the slow pace of life. The landscape draws you into its world, enveloping you in the cycle of life, into seasons and the natural world, of people and their place on earth.

I am preparing everything now for the trip tomorrow. Right now the rain is pouring down heavily and from the window, I can see the main town street is a river and people are running to their cars or houses for shelter. I hope it ceases before the boat trip. A trawler will take all the equipment, food and the like followed by a curragh, (a small four person boat). The Atlantic will be a force to be reckoned with if this turbulent weather stays overnight.

Its likely I wont be able to write again for a few days. But I will be recording and documenting everything for the next time.