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I’ve been working for the last couple of weeks on a fellow artist and friends project. This has also raised some very interesting questions that I’m bursting with, however, don’t feel I can put them all out into the public sphere yet. I want to research the subject further and look into how I can actually get something published? (any advice on who to contact on a-n or ACE might be good) I’ve been forced into a situation where I am questioning perspetives and everything around me. I’m becoming more healthily cynical. Which I feel is a better place to be. My new mantra has become ‘Is it Fact or Opinion’.

I start my first residency next week at the Arboretum in Derby, a fantastic park in the centre of Derby’s most ethnically diverse community, (Curry from the ShaHenSha anyone!!) It was Britains first free park for the working classes, built by Joseph Strutt, in the 1800’s. The Strutt family were great philanthropists of their time, my children have all gone to a school set up by the Strutt family. Funny how connections are made…

I went and did some drawings last week, and enjoyed the opportunity to just observe the world of people at leisure, I’m really looking forward to starting properly and moving myself into the Orangery.