Havent posted for a while, the dull weather here has affected my motivation. Have, however, managed to get a lot of editing done and spent some time on google earth locating more tholtans. Hanging week again next week and once again I feel I need the break from my computor screen.

I am planning to start commencing more mixed media pieces once hanging is done, I think the large scale piece I commenced took too long and failed to hold my interest so I intend to work on a smaller scale when transfering by hand. If the final results are effective I can move to a larger scale and have the images printed professionally.

I also feel that I have been putting off the research for far too long now so will start at the library on Monday (unless my new camera arrives before then!) With the weather closing in it is the perfect time to be inside in a warm library rather than outdoors damaging cameras in the rain! I have also found that researching helps me to generate ideas and get the creative juices flowing so fingers crossed I will be back on track within a fortnight.


Another busy weekend and several sites covered. I have continued my editing break as the gallery have offered me a window display to coincide with the residency and the newspaper article which comes out tomorrow.

I am really pleased with my window installation and I plan to use the space to practice display and layout options for my final exhibition.

I have also been making use of google maps to locate exact locations of buildings as the roofless ones show up quite clearly and this helps to avoid driving endlessly along the many country lanes! I have now taken to clearly planning routes and marking exact locations on the map and this way I can cover many more sites on each trip.

I intend to begin editing again tomorrow and hopefully will clear some of the backlog that has now accrued, I also want to start collating information about each site and working on some mixed media techniques.


Hanging week again (www.colleencorlett.com) and I must admit I am enjoying a few days off from editing my images. I now have over 100 sites marked on my map and I am starting my research into the history of some of these places. I am hoping I can find old images of some of the buildings that I can superimpose over my own images. I am also looking for as much information as I can find with a view towards publishing a book at the end of the residency.

I was interviewed by the local press last week and the article should run next Friday so hopefully that will generate public interest and increase the number of visitors to the gallery. It will also help me to get first hand information about some of the sites. Unfortunately, the Manx people have been very slow to take to the internet so I am struggling to do my research online as I usually do. The Museum library will be most useful but I will have to depend a lot on local knowledge from local people.