Apologies once again for the long break, the gallery chairman had an accident on the ice and is MIA for 3 months so my role at the gallery has stepped up a notch. Whilst I am enjoying the learning experience my own work has had to take a back seat although I did manage a fantastic shoot at a manor house this week.

I have a large amount of editing to trawl through and several works in progress could really do with some evenings in the gallery to blitz everything up to date without the admin/visitor interruptions.

New year is approaching and aside from the obligatory diet i must start looking at where I will go from here i.e. new residencies or touring an exhibition of my work but at the moment feel like I am clutching at straws and not actually getting hold of any of them!


A very busy hanging week for the Christmas Show which includes some of my own photographs.

We have been hit hard by the snow and frost and a recent exploration ended with me occupying my brothers couch for an evening as I was unable to travel back home! Made for some interesting photographs though so once again I have a large amount of editing to get through.

I have a list (of sorts) on the go as I have started physicaly making work and it is inspriring further ideas as I go. I moved windows with my installation and I am pleased that I was able to re-install it so quickly as I was getting worried about time constraints for installing the final exhibition.

I have been working with rust transfers which produce some wonderfully vibrant effects and are reletively simple to do. Salt water will transfer rust to other surfaces so I have been wrapping cloth around various rusted implements and soaking them in sea water.

I also intend to try some work with wax which if applyed flat and allowed to set will crack like peeling paint. I think this will be very effective and will post further once I have some results.