This was something l was ask to do last year but was unsuccessful in my submission but feel its very relevant to my degree show as it maps out part of my journey.

Baby Steps

This installation is an extract of my childhood growing up as a disabled person

My first every leg was called a pylon, which was made of wood, metal and leather, a cough to support my stump. As a baby of around 8 or 9 months old l was taken to Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge for my first ever fitting. At this point the operation to turn the stump into the correct shape had not taken place; the leg had to accommodate this.

We lived in a two up two down house in Kings Lynn and mum would sit me in the front room and leave me as it upset her to watch me trying to push the leg off my stump. One day she was in the kitchen. Suddenly I had gone quiet so she peeped in to see if l had fallen asleep with all my crying. There l was up at the window looking at a bird and trying to speak to them, l had found l could stand on it and so this was the start.

The baby walker came next which was a great help for me to stand up and support myself. The house was on a small incline and dad stood at the top while mum was at the bottom. They would set me off to walk up and down this will l got the hang of it. Apparently l walked at 11 months and was suppose to have physio at Addenbrookes to help with this process but only went once. l feels this has kept me going all my life.

Baby Walker – Images will be projected in the bottom of the walker of myself playing with the bricks from the walker, also showing the tops of my fingers are missing, this was also from birth.


Spent the afternoon projecting images on the floor and walls of the space l have chosen , seem to work well on both surfaces but could not take any photos as could hold projector and take photo.

The lighting in this area is controllable so should work well, but need to have more time with projector so get a better idea how to position for best results.

Did some sketches of area as well to get a feel for where the wheelchair can be suspended.


Have brought in the wheelchair to see how it looks in the space, need to try out projection next so see the best effect.

been thinking why l am using these objects and the narrative.

This goes back to my dissertation,Dislocation and Displacement, objects and sounds are relevant.

Took some images of baby walker to visualise the screen inside, need to work out a secure way of playing the film.


Dismantle the wheelchair, see how it looks in parts, does it look dislocated and displaced? need to do some sketches of these parts to see length of cable to suspend the parts of wheelchair