The frame for the Praxinoscope. This is what was made on the second day of working on this, with the help of josh, his ideas and welding skills we were able to make this frame, something which was more sturdy and worked a lot better than the previous frame before. There is a catch half way which allows the frame to expand or decrease in size, meaning that the chain is able to be pulled taught and stay on this time.

Here are some images attached which are taken of the frame, before I added the wooden praxinoscope on top of the wheel.


Time for the ‘lanterns’. The lanterns which I ordered, I thought were going to be larger than what they were. So I have improvised. I have used the heads and added on the top of each lantern. From here I have also added some thick string through the the top which will be the new place where you hold onto the lantern instead of the wire loop which was there to begin with. I like these lanterns more now as it makes them fit in more with everything else in the room. However i still want to carve each passage into the lanterns which will tell the story through each lantern and even show it on the wall with shadow words. Attached is a picture with 3 different lanterns. Two with two heads and one with 3 heads, I will have 3 of each type, and one with 4 heads, which will be the large lantern out of the 7. The one large lantern I will use as the final part of the story, when it all comes to an end.


More Angels! well one angel and two ‘humans’….

Here is an image of more of the little people I have been making, I have made one of the angels appear as if it is holding a rope which is hanging a person. This person will be put over some of the led candles to make it look as if the person is being burned as well. This one will have to be held by the rope which will have to be attached so something else as well as the angel statue as it will not be able to hold the person which is being hung by itself. For now I have attached the rope to a wooden block which has been clamped in a vice, just to get an idea of what it will look like. I have added 3 images of the man with the noose around his neck, the angel which has not had its wings added on yet and an image of the angel holding the rope which is around the humans neck. .

The fourth image is an image of another ‘human’ I have created. I will put this one in front of another angel, as if it is begging the angel to let him live.


Tour of Art of Change: New Directions From China. This is the show which I remember seeing the most in london compared to any art show that I have ever been to. The piece which I mentioned from the last post, was a performance piece from an artist called Yin gmei Duan. To get to the performance you had to crawl through a small gap in the bottom of the wall, proberbly abour half my size. Then you could stand up again in this small room. Once in this room it felt like you where somewhere completely different. This was achieved with the trees that were placed in this small room, along with the darkness. It felt like you were in a different reality, like being in a fairytale. There was a chineese woman singling a chineese lullaby while writing notes, this was strange to see as I did not really know what was happening.

Then all of a sudden she stood up and slowly started walking towards me, in the room at the time there was only me and one other person, with this chineese lady walking towards us. It was intense and left chills down my spine, it almost felt like I was in a horror film, like the ring or something very similar. Then she came very close to my face and gave me a note, saying something about staring into my parents eyes, I’m still not sure what she meant by it though. This experiance was made worse by knowing that the only way out was to crawl through a gap which was low, this made me feel like I couldn’t escape.

I loved this feeling that the audience would have, the fear of not knowing what was happening. This is something I would love to have in my dark room, however I dont think I will be able to achieve this unless I have specific sounds or even have a performance happening at the same time. I just hope I can achieve something which is even half as good as this.


Bruce Nauman , an American artist who’s work often involves the use of light. I dislike a lot of his work however there is one video created by him which I do enjoy watching as a piece of art. This is called ‘Clown Torture’ and was first seen in 1987. I like this video because it creeps me out a little and I would have loved to have been able to see it in person, it reminds me of a person I saw in the Haywood gallery who did a performance piece which left me with chills down my spine afterwards. If only clown torture was in a gallery nowadays, I would have loved to see it in person!