Since having my degree show sorted in my mind, i started going around all the antique and charity shops around where i live. I wanted my space to be dated, almost timeless, to gice the peice a feel of lost time or perhaps as if it were a waiting room in in the afterlife, oor even more so a memory of my own granparents house, but this is all perceptive of the viewer which is the interesting thing about installation.

I found myself the perfect dated gold framed mirror. The great thing about it to me is that it is rose tinted, which gives off almost an illusion effect, that everything is not as it seems, much with the idea of memories at times.

I also collected a lot of frames around my house i wanted them to be quite different whilst still looking dated, i think the fact that they are different and lined oddly gives the impression of an imperfect set up, much like family living rooms and more so life in general.


Again i have been looking into Christian Boltanski’s work, there is such a strong sense of memory that carries throughout his work. This time i have particularly looking at Lessons of Darkness. As i have said before the eeriness, of his installations the enlarged phots attached with wire or string to other photod with little lights above them really bring the photos to life. It makes the viewer really think about these people, the lives they had, what they were like and all these other questions. This is something i would like the viewer to think of and wonder whilst looking at my work. Also i would like to create a certain atmosphere as Boltanski does, an eeriness, another world perhaps.


I had a few ideas running through my head at the thought of creating an installtion piece, my ideal one to be creating a room with four walls and really getting the feel of nostalgia in there, however I did not get enough space for that idea, however that does not matter because i like to work with what i am given so, i thought about creating a wall of a room which would be just as powerfull in my mind.

I thought about creating a shelf for each person that i have a passport picture for. Making these shelfs personal to the person so that the viewer can have a better take on them and i was also going to incoporate a memory i have of the person into the work for instance as you can see on the sketch i was going to have a large pictire with the passport picture sitting in the corner of the frame (something that i have discussed earlier). Or using a key cabnit for the representation of my granparents.

Then one day all of a sudden i decided to, still create a wall of a room but present the passport pictures on the wall in frames and connect them all to a telelphone that sits on a table as if people have been coming to reconnect with their memories, of these people.


From creating work based on memory, my dissertations and the subjects of it have helped me move forward with my work. From Lousie Bourgeios’ Destruction of the Father, this installation piece so dark and thought provoking got me into thinking about creating a space of my own. Something from my memory like Bourgeois, it was like she could travel though time back into her past, whilst she was creating her work and that is a quality I think shines through in my work. Also the research of Tracey Emin also famous for her installion work. I find Emin’s work more raw at times, her work is like a diary of sorts.