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Writing my disstertation and the specific study on Louise Bourgeois and Tracey Emin has helped me in the process of my work. With Bourgeois she returns to her past to specific moments or memories for inspiration and influence to what she is creating. For me I use a felling of a memory, nostalgia, fear of forgetting and a general wish to return. Tracey Emin released a book ‘My Photo Album’ in 2013 which is a journey through her life using pictures from her personal collection, full of personal experiences and events of her life. Personal experience has always been the heart of Emin’s work and this visual catalogue is an amazing piece of artwork in its own right. The fact that it resembles an old photo album helps me understsand my own work or more to the point the way it is portrayed and how the viewer sees it. I have somewhat of a tricky time seeing my work as anything much as i know the viewer will not know my memories or my feelings or see what i see in it. Looking at Emin’s Photo Album I can not only wonder on her part, but also see my own family in her pictures and my own memories. It is a marvel