My next steps and current work include expressing the identity of the natural environment bringing both the natural world together with my interests in identity.

I am trying to show character and definition of ‘place’ within my paintings, however steering away from the realistic approach giving my work an element of abstraction and mystery.

Some of my small experimentations (images) show ideas and examples of my works progression.


My Journey- The direction in which my work is heading…

The natural environment has always been a particular interest of mine in relation to my art. My first year at university I was focused of nature and its shapes as well as what nature brings. Over the last two years my art has developed and I found an awareness of identity. My collaboration brought forward the expressing of individuals identity abstractly, using colour and mark making to represent character and emotion.

My normal selection of medium is paint, whether it is acrylic or any other. I often use them combined together for effect, sometimes with printmaking taking a backseat. I enjoy experimenting with the material I chose to work onto, hardboard, canvas or cotton.

The first image shows a piece of work which represents the identity of an individual. He described himself as crazy and the colours, chosen by him, are a representation of his personality.

The second shows a thickly applied mono print expressing the shapes seen in the natural environment and the last image shows a painting of a tree using acrylic paint.

The three images simply take a look at some of the diversity in my work over the past few years.