So much has happened since my last blog. I hardly know where to start. I was very lucky to win one of the first student awards at U.C.F. along with three performing arts students. It was a lovely evening with drinks and snacks and the mayor came too. I was glad when my daughter arrived for moral support. Chris Price our campus director (rides a Triumph Bonneville!) presented the awards in his usual casual friendly manner. I found out that I had been nominated by Course Director Katrina Maclean (runs the New Inn!) and I would just like to say thanks. I have really enjoyed the course, so getting an award was an unexpected bonus.

My B.A. final exhibition was held in g19 U.C.F. and ran in conjunction with Lola Godoy’s under the title ‘Weapons of Mass Creation’. We also were accompanied by the second year student exhibition. The Uni. looked great for having all the art work up around the building. I shared g19 with two second year friends Lynne and Debbie. Lynne did a super large colligraph and some prints all on the theme of industrial decay. While Debbie had a great musical instrument/ water tap wall piece – you could blow it to get a note.

My exhibit consisted of three papier mache spheres of influence and ‘The Watcher’ a small sphere with eyes. Two large framed drawings – ‘Settlement I’ and Primal land I’. Three paintings – ‘Darkling Plain’, ‘Inside Outside’ and ‘Primal Land II’ (unfinished). Also two floor pieces ‘Dem Dry Bones’ and ‘Lid City’.

The work was received well generally. Most people I spoke too liked ‘Darkling Plain’, though most did not notice the beach was also a woman until I pointed it out. This really surprised me!! The installation floor pieces went down well too, this was also a surprise to me. People really liked the lids especially when I explained they were the un-recyclable waste from my families use. People were interested in what product they came from and the story of consumerism and families that they implied. I gave out my business cards and enjoyed chatting with the people.

My final exhibition is over and I have just taken down the work and brought it home. It was a bit of a job storing everything but I have just about managed to fit it all in.

I am looking forward to the Folkestone Triennial and my exhibit at U.C.F. in the first two weeks of July while the triennial is on. Also I am planning another exhibit during the Triennial, hope that comes off, more about the Triennial later.

Really enjoying reading all about the Venice Biennale. I really like Christian Boltanski’s though it was nice to Cindy Sherman there and I would love to wander around Mike Nelson’s ‘Labyrinthine’. It would be so amazing to go.

Speaking of going – bye for now. Yvonne