I have been super busy lately what with the school holidays and all. I have managed to get some decorating done before my youngest finished school.

I have also put up a new exhibit in University Centre Folkestone – ‘Mondien’ which kind of means world person in French. The title refers to my interest in ‘Home’ and where we feel we belonging. I don’t really care about Nationality but I do care about home, which is where I am now.

Where do you feel belonging, a place i mean? Do you have a special place? Are there a number of places you consider to be home. The question relates to ‘Heartlands’ places that mean something to you.

In my M.A. which I hope to start next term I will continue to investigate ‘Heartlands’.

Do come along to U.C.F. if you can and see the show. My friend Lola Godoy is exhibiting in the show too. So its a two for one offer.

Just in case you have’nt noticed the Folkestone Triennial in taking place here too. Lots of great art and artists, international and local Fringe.

So all you students out there, come to Folkestone on your summer hols.

Bye for now
