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The last couple of weeks have been busy but productive. I visited Sheffield during Personal Development Week, which meant that I could get on with some of the work I have needed to do over there.

I have been developing the idea for my planned pilgrimage and I photographed parts of the route I will be walking along as I drove over to Sheffield. I have also been developing my ideas about what to leave as offerings along the way and I have decided to use stones. I gathered some of the stones from my parents’ garden while I was visiting, which I can then leave as I walk, shedding the weight, or burden, as I go. I am also considering writing something on the stones, although I have not yet decided what that may be.

While visiting my parents, I also had chance to dig up a bit of their garden to go in a small tin (which my dad was not very happy about). This piece of work is entitled A Little Piece of Home. The idea is that the tin containing a bit of my parents’ garden can be carried around. Eventually I will make a care kit to go alongside the tin. At the moment I am still getting to grips with the care needed to keep my unusual house plant alive!

As well as these other projects, visiting Sheffield also allowed me to visit and photograph former steelworks and other former industrial buildings around the city. I could have used a digital camera but I much prefer to use film, so shot on 35mm film. When developed, I will make prints and eventually print the images onto sheets of steel. I will probably do this by screen printing with acid.