and in the fourth week, there shall be tutorials.

it feels like i've been starting something for a month. i hope from a start the middle isn't too far away. i've added a tutorial storey to my portfolio of storeys, not that i'll remember it, dam short term memory.

it strikes me there's more to this study thing than just wot i'm doing, so there is an attempt of wrting a review of a show, that's the optimist view of it as i first have to get there and then talk to someone about wot's on the wall. sounds easy, oh, maybe it is.

it feels like i've been starting something for a month. i hope from a start the middle isn't too far away. i've added a tutorial storey to my portfolio of storeys, not that i'll remember it, dam short term memory.


socks-the seemingly pairing opportunity.

they live in my top drawer, the socks. they don't do much, i just ask of them to occasionally get to together and go out for a while. some seem more capable than others.

quite a far cry from the first dissertation tutorial. those months of book finding and collection and feeling ever so teetery on the edge yet not sure of what edge it is. the pile of books and anticipatory smile.the pen and tutorial report, laying casually alongside that all important proposal document.

a good time to talk and float those thoughts, see if they float. it's handy that boxes were invented and recycled otherwise there may not be many left, besides that being another afternoon, it's another one of those ever so interesting things yet is it relevent in such a short essay. agh yes, essay, have i sussed what an essay is yet. when i discover the postcard's meaning i'll let you know.

the good thing is, as uncomfortable as it was, once the socks are removed and air given to that within, the initial hurt will not seem quite as painful and the life raft is not so far away.

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who is the secret millionaire in my life at the moment ?

i don't know, there are so many contenders, so much value being added. heard a chap talk about his practice today, it was interesting to the point of i know why i don't agree with what he's saying. education creeping up on me, waiting for a moment to go……




boo !


waiting for shoes that turn out to be as the first seteven though there was assurance that they would fit.

yes disappointment at ill fitting shoes. shoes that fit are good, not going into detail, we all can make that informed choice for ourselves.

had a session on dissertation this morning, interesting subject, dissertation, i would if you could do a dissertation on the concept of dissertation. there are some questions left with me and as such will be left with me, there are tea and cakes to be had instead of reading about questions. despite tiredness, my mood remains positive and upbeat. The beginning of the third year challenging my confidence and as such slight wobbles appearing and not like those on a bicycle with no hands on the handle bars.

more experimentation last night. I do like sharing little experiements on here, it is such fun. fun experiements lead to confident building hugs and that's lovely as hugs are great and comforting and after all it's good to be able to walk further.

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monday afternoon and i should go shopping

no food in, no loan in yet either, ticked the wrong box, corrected now, waiting for the letter to confirm funds.

been into the studios this afternoon, good to see some large sketches forming a narrative in the stair well, finally the prescribed stale ness of the 'new' building is being challenged in a polite manner.

there is already stuff appearing on the walls around the studio. the vibe that produces is a good one and i'm envious of those in year one as it feels like there is a much more togetherness and direction, than in years gone by.

my study continues, returned to an idealist theory i've been harbouring and researching for sometime, i do that every so often then have a big talk about it and decide i can't yet resolve it so leave it be and drink coffee with strange sandwich combinations. today was sun dried tomatoe, mushroom and pickle. i was disappointed that the server failed to make a comment, however the combination was surprisingly pleasent on the palent.

tomorrow is crit time for me. been really scared of that whole thing in the past. which is evenitable if work being made is coming from deep personal things, let's face it who in their right mind would expose inner things to people they barely know, and i saying in an arual way, not in some 2d/3d representation.

i have stuff binging around my head to do with journal 1,2,3 and am aware of the need to aportion thought in appropriate book and still hang on to the original want to create. the prescribed method of assesment somehow posing problems itself as well as the research and making. i guess if it was easy, there would be more people doing it and the value of degree would itself be subverted. heaven forbid that ever happened.