I was thinking about art the other day. The word that is.

Art existed in 1932. Does it exist now, research might show that it does not. Has art subverted intself to the point that it no longer, in a pure form, exists. If it doesn't exist, then what are we all playing at? Is it some subverted sub construct of a once noble thing. Why do we have to explain what our art is by placing a pronoun before the word that it's all about. Wow, I write that and there is almost a worshipping connertation to the image conjoured in my mind. OK, art is what ever you now want it to be. I'm happy with that. I might be happy with that, but what of those that already have more time with it than me, art and it's constructs that is, what might they think of it. Agh, but hang on, with a conversation hanging just as a 2 dimensional memory, the third party merely picks up on rumours. So how does anything ever really get communicated and thoughts provoked. Agh , I see, art doesn't exist.



just a sequence of numbers, or a particular date for particle physicists ?

A good day today for particle physisicts, for me it's the beginning of the third year, in effect, and still 2 1/2 weeks to enrollment.

While I have time to waffle and enjoy getting used to the blog site, I can of course amuse myself with musings of the day. There are some many constructs around me that making something myself seems a little irrelevent. The notion of my making something might benefit man kind is some what of a tall order and maybe best left to circular scientists. Well are they circular, as actually they are moving forward, no economic circular ness ness at all. Thorntons chocolate has year to date profits of 19% higher than last year, they don't need to care how it all began.

It was very reassuring to get an email yesterday with an outline of the final year. I am slow to comprehend, so it gives me time to take it all in and beging to have an appreciation of the structure that the third year will be. Obviously in my own way i'll do my own thing anyway and that's where the anxsts and lost sleep will start.

At a personal level, names are important and I've gone back to my full name as it will please my mother and for me represents the struggle to be myself after being behind a construct. I am happier as a result, despite the down days.

I woonder if I have an y jaffa cakes left to have with a cup of tea…oh for a count down.


having succesfully achieved take two, I do feel able to continue.

time for a cup of tea and a jaffa cake.

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take two :

it's raining, my hair is wet, the roof of the house has a leak and I lost the first version of this by hitting the backspace button. Note to self:DON"T hit the backspace button.

What else had I said. I'd covered the visit into the campus this afternoon with a coincidentary email to do with the third year with a note about a deadline quite soon after that and how if you's been doing stuff over the summer and acquiring things, that this email wouldn't be too much of a shock. That led me onto a notion of being up for the third year, in very much a BB kind of way and then added an aside comment that there is at least two years of BB left and so I'd not be alone in my "being up for the third year" Phew I just hit the back space to amend a mistake and it worked. I can't really afford to drop out of friendship with the backspace button.


In a spirit of "core I can do that" I've started this blog, simply because a friend of mine has and I wanted to be like her.

Blogging is a good thing, and I'm keen to spread my dsylexic view across the web.

It's several weeks until enrollment. Dissertaion submission is in January. It was a really scarey thought a year ago, now I'm closer to it, I feel happier about it.

Making something-well I guess I'll be doing some of that too. I have attempted to get through the degree without making anything. Unfortunatley, that hasn't gone very well.

Watched the second part of the sculpture diaries last night. I much prefer the Mathew Collings approach, so I'm still unsure what my views are of the content and style of delivery.

I'm very excited about the A – N blog. So much so that I'm oing to eat some tea now.