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experimentation continues as does attempting to paint radiators

two days to go to enrollment, brake shoes of smaller diameter, radiators of frustrating painting, this mature student thing is tough.

i continue to experiment, it's play just a little more serious as i now have a topic on which the playing surrounds. the summer is coming to an end, another phase of evolution about to happen. i certainly take umbridge with the mainstream insurer claiming as change happens, it;s evolution i say, change is premeditated, thought about and talked about before implimentation and once the implimentation has occurred, a period of further discussion to settle stuff into what it's become.hence so called change with no prior discussion is not change, simply evolution, in which case there are people evolving other people's lives, why oh why do the other peoples , as the french might say, "NON: nous somme ne happy pas"

onto the post office to post the parcel.