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education-learning from the past.

i'm in reflective mood today. the excitement of the email weeks ago about inclusion in the magazine being balanced by the reality check of seeing it in pdf form, hearing people's voices in my head who i used to work with taking the piss out of me for doing something i enjoy doing and interest being shown in me because of that. it's an indication of how far i've come to this point and actually a reminder of the excitement and opportunity that lies 'out there'in the world, just by engaging in something.

when i began the course, i was really pissed off with the notion of having to learn from the past as all around me i saw people clearly not having learnt anything from the pain and success of those that went before. in local archetecture i saw specialist knowledge being ignored in new buildings and then those staff having to make do with a building not quite fit for purpose. a work round then happened and the on going experience was undermined from not having specialist knowledge informing descisions.

ok, i'm getting lost here.

at another level, when a new complex for the arts opens in your town, you expect it to be able to show a film in whatever cinema it has. apparently the local cinema in my town has two cinemas that do not have the same projection equipment in them, thus i am having to wait to see hunger by steve mcqueen. who was in the meeting when someone did or did not suggest having the same equipment in both cinemas, and who was in the planning meeting when a film was ordered and realised which media delivery system would be available to show the film. i am constantly disappointed in culture that doesn't learn from itself.

in terms of enlightenment, it would appear the light is getting further away. are we all happy with this ?