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reflective golden eye.

in a week that had gothic proportional beginnings to mid term interventions and a distinctive endings, what has happened ?


the great thing about practice is just that, the constant practicing.

at the end of this week, i do have comparted thinking, it's great for sure.

my video investigation is spurred on by a possibility to respond to "a call for submissions". normally i don't bother as the current trends and fashions are uninteresting and not quite suited to the work and thinking in my backpack. however.

the notion of a revolution implies a beginning and a return to the same point. as a revolution of a cycle wheel, a record, a cd. why can't a revolution be a 180 degrees ? why does it have to complete the 360 to be classed as a revolution. if the end is where it began, all that can be said of that revolution is of the time of duration, things will have happened. another revolution following the first and again the same process of experiences through time, as watching a film is.

my research has been considering the notion of peak oil. not a derbyshire company, a condition first defined in 1956.

revolution is just one letter on from evolution. so close to each other. a timebased work has a specified beginning and an end, as a 360 degree motion. however in my work, i'm exploring the possibilty of the end being at the 180 degree point.

i've been practicing to day. frustrations at images not being as i want them to be, countless cups of tea and thinking and trying. then washing up. oh yes, there's always a distractive washing process.

now, i'm tired and foggy. it might snow, the fog will clear.

am i making sense. does it matter, i can type and leave my thoughts. my thoughts have been pushed this week. time soon to relax, to get away from it all.

i'll make a cup of tea and watch a film.