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feeling better today.

yes, today is better for me than yesterday. i know that as i have experience of yesterday. tomorrow will probably be better than today. all i can do is forecast that based on how i feel today and knowing what might happen around me tomorrow.

right now i've remembered i have washing in the washing machine i need to get out and dry.

when i began the course, the notion of research was one i was uncomfortable with. i was uncomfortable at the notion of my learning/education that is, being based on learning from the past, learning about what other peole had done before me.

what i didn't understand and still don't understand, is if there are so many people learning from the past, what others have done, how come the public sphere played out in the mass media appears to be portraying stuff and crisis, like nothing has ever happened before in the past ?

where do people that are aware and concerned go to be heard ? what happens to the people that have learnt and have concerns about where 'we' are now.

if there was something happening that potentially could affect the 'the way things run' what would be better…

a to know about it, be concerned, reassured and deal with it.


b to have the scenario packaged into something that looks like a security issue that comes from somewhere else, and so in dealing with it makes the dealer look better and place into the public sphere a smokescreen to give something tenable to hang onto and all of the public sphere be affected by that smoke screen. even to the point that protests against the smokescreen are within the smokescreen and thus pose no possible threat as the protest is against a construct that is not the main issue.

is education based on learning from the past valid, is there any other way of learning ?