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easing back into comfortable shoes.

it's thursday of bdo world darts week. disappointingly the wizard was dazzled and now returns to oz to prene and wait for another contest.

adams has got through, yet again making a lesser player look useful, somehow adams just knows how to play darts to a competitve entertaining level.

big shock of the second round, the defending champion going out. interesting to hear him being interviewed after the match. he'd worked hard last year to win, he'd put out fitton who looked uncomfortablely good against the wizard, this year. the resigning champion stated that come next monday he could go back to being a league dart player, not the world darts champion. i sat watching in disbelief that someone could imply that achieving a goal could then lead to so much misery and unhappiness.

surely if one works hard to achieve something, on it's achievement the satisfaction of that leads to confidence to do something else. johnny ball had talked about confidence in the afternoon while playing trina gulliver. she's not travelled to pdc territory, unlike last years women's champion.

hankey blew through to the next round, not a particularly inspiring match, the main thing is he'd there, i hope that playing a more imposing opponent might get him to up his game and provide an exciting match.

one new thing within the championship this year, the people's champion, or some such name thingy. non professional players were invited to take part in a charity tournament, with the finals taking place at lakeside during the world championship. i'd not realised that this was happening. in the afternoon i watched bobby geogre mentor a chap from dunoon. geogre spoke of how he wore the same shoes each time he practiced and played. like a variable that had been standardised to allow better performance. as it's a sport, performance is everything. they talk alot during the championship about it being about the game on the day. it becoming a notion of winning or losing, of getting it right or not. that's sport and competition, it does come down to a right or wrong.

in creative practice, it's not about right or wrong, it's about conversation and opionion. i converse with my work, others have opinion about it. through the degree, i am learning that me thinking about other's opinion is like a dart player worrying about his opponent. the dart player simply has to throw darts as best he can to score and get doubles. time and time again, i watch games where a player visibly loses his confidence when the other player starts to score better. like the dart player, i need to keep focussed on the work i want to do, enjoy that process and wait to see what other opinions are like.

and like an undergraduate, i need to focus on a dissertation and why my feet are so cold right now.