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do you remember bs 5750?

it got replaced with iso 9000 which added one and there it remains. it's a quality system. it's a system of ensuring a quality across a process, to ensure some sort of commonality amougst process bodies. i heard it once said that if you iso9000'ed a shit system, you'd be locked into a quality shit system.

has fine art become a genre? i understand genres have rules that make each genre identifiable.

rules state certain limits of process.

am i part of an educational process with limitations not set by the students.

am i part of a system that requires me to acknowledge the limitations, so to prove what i have learnt.

i can answer that i have completed and handed in my essay. i can say that i've received a verbal mark and endured a tutorial. i can say that the system seems to be one of suggesting that what has been done so far could obviously be better, in the staff's opinion and as they are practioners themselves, don't actually have to be specific about what would improve it in their eyes, but instead leave a game to be played out again.

if fine art is a set genre, why muck about pretending it's open and interpretable. why not just hand out the set themes that are in circulation and alllow work to be made in the circle there in. why pretend there is complete creative freedom, when clearly there is not.