We’ve been getting some great comments about our Inspired Responses show, and some local press coverage, but as usual once the exhibition is up I’m on to the next thing. We have exciting workshops coming up led by artists Jeni McConnell, Angela Sidwell and Wendy Rudd. Visit www.thebrindley.org.uk/workshops/ for details.

Meanwhile, artists from the Markmakers collective have had work displayed in a local solicitors’ offices – Forster Dean in Runcorn, I’ve been catching up with Claire Weetman about her plans for new work for our exhibition here in the summer, and chatting to Richard at MODES about the website developments needed for the next stage of the Exploring Halton’s Collections project.

Facing huge budget cuts after April, as most local authority arts development teams are (if they still have them), but trying to be creative and positive about how we work and keep the art and artists front and centre of everyone’s mind. A great lesson learned from Saralyn Reece Hardy in Salina Kansas many years ago.