Viewing single post of blog Woods To Where Else

Phase 1 of the project ended with a rendezvous in the Forest Studio for those who could make it involving another muddy walk though this time in the pouring sleet. Great hilarity all round thanks to Maureen Jordan’s photo shoot of us queuing for a shot of oxygen from a tree before we trudged back to the studio for something to eat, the highlight being Maureen’s posh bread and butter pudding.

There was plenty of laughter as we revealed and shared our anxieties about meeting the brief/concept (or not) and our responses to the project and the process we all went through and the role of the symposium as a key methodological device: challenging us all to reflect on and share publicly not just work in progress but thoughts in progress at a much deeper level than might have been the case if it had been a seminar format only for the group.