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I really got stuck into the mosaic map today. The ironic thing is I have a couple of tasks that I have to do tommorrow, one is called 'some modest sketches'. It is not often I feel so keen about making mosaics, so that swaping to another job is a shame as I want to get as much done as possible before the 'dark times' arrive!

Mosaic is a task where the hands are occupied constantly, but the mind is rarely used…kind of auto pilot for hours upon hours upon hours .

I made a couple of descisions today; A) To do the letters before the swans. B) The green I chose for the grass was fine and not worry about it. That took a total of about 15 seconds.

Shirley Collins was featured on the radio though, A folk singer who sounds like you were listening to a woman who had been asked to sing a song for friends or relatives in the front living room. Something formal and austere a kind of recietal for a select few on Aunt Maries birthday say! It turns out she is very famous, and I have one song by her on a compilation CD. A song warning young girls to beware of boys, especially one called Ramble Away.

I was envious of Shirley Collins as she was part of a tradition. She was clearly a figurehead for some kind wider group. She had direction and meaningfulness in her life, it was from the past, it might have even been the past itself.

Oh well…lets hope I have time to continue with my map tommorrow.