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40th Anniversary Feature

40 Years 40 Artists: Harold Offeh

Harold Offeh outlines how his success as an artist “has been built on the hard efforts, work and activism of previous generations.”

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40th Anniversary Feature

Artists Newsletter #2: The 1990s

Catherine Bertola and Rosie Morris provide a platform for women artists and writers to highlight less visible, marginalised and precarious practices.

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40th Anniversary Feature

40 Years 40 Artists: Miya Browne

2020 graduate Miya Browne considers the role of art and the artist in the 21st century and outlines their vision for the future.

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40th Anniversary Feature

40 Years 40 Artists: Brian Catling

Brian Catling reflects on his work in the 1980s and explains how he made his first performance piece at Whitechapel Gallery “by divine accident”.

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40th Anniversary Feature

40 Years 40 Artists: Sunil Gupta

Sunil Gupta discusses making work about the experiences of gay men in his hometown of Delhi and setting up Autograph in the 1980s.

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40th Anniversary Feature

40 Years 40 Artists: Mona Hatoum

Mona Hatoum discusses the ways in which her own work “became more confrontational” in the 1980s through live performance and direct street action.

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40th Anniversary Feature

40 Years 40 Artists: the 1980s

Read the first 10 conversations in our 40 Years 40 Artists series of interviews with artists who feature in a-n’s archive.

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