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Now Showing #280: The week’s top exhibitions

A selection of the week’s best shows, including: Lauren Gault’s object and sound pieces at Grand Union, Birmingham; a group show of abstract works that fit into suitcases at Fold, London; and an exploration of cuteness by Rachel Maclean at the Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham.

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Now Showing #278: The week’s top exhibitions

Recommended shows from across the UK, including: Hardeep Pandhal’s video installation and drawings at the New Art Exchange, Nottingham, Nigel Cooke’s paintings at the Jerwood Gallery, Hastings, and Helen Sear’s video, photography and sound at Impressions Gallery, Bradford.

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Now Showing #273: The week’s top exhibitions

Five recommended shows from across the UK, including: a fundraising show for Studio Voltaire at Cork Street Galleries, London; painter and filmmaker Fernand Léger at Tate Liverpool; Haroon Mirza’s biggest exhibition of work in the UK to date at Ikon, Birmingham.

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