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Social space cover
Resource Archive Feature

Future forecast: Social space

Brief extracts from the Social space presentations and discussions, to introduce the issues and broaden participation.

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The Masterpiece
Resource Archive Feature

I, Wannabe

Adam Sutherland’s contribution to ten two zero zero five, a-n Collections.

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Field of Vision
Resource Archive Feature

Have NAN, will travel

S Mark Gubb takes a look back at the first year of the NAN bursary scheme and the artists groups it has supported, exploring the advantages of knowing that “you are not alone”.

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Resource Archive Feature

There’s gold in dem der hills

With Arts Council England’s Grants for the arts scheme back after a summer break, a-n engaged a team of experienced prospectors to share their top tips on making successful funding applications. Rosemary Shirley reports.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Established breaks

I used to subscribe regularly to a-n many years ago and have just renewed my subscription online. In searching the site I have not been able to find anything collated (enlighten me please if I’m wrong!) specific for the more […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Coming soon

Look out in September for Good exhibition practice with contributions by Lee Corner and Paul Glinkowski. Subscribers automatically receive copies of each of our 25-year publications. a-n Magazine August 2005

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Swimsuit Erase
Resource Archive Feature

Approaching Berlin

Miranda Whall and Graham Dolphin discuss programming and participating in a research trip to Berlin.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Lecturers resigned

I was fascinated to read your letters page in the July issue of a-n Magazine. Perhaps a new, refreshed debate should commence regarding the value and recompense for all forms of teaching the arts. I have always valued teaching not […]

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Resource Archive Discussion


Cuts in funding at Further Education and Higher Education institutions have had a huge impact recently, particularly within arts departments nationwide, but only cursorily covered in the general press. The government directive to increase student numbers in spite of this […]

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Making the Invisible Visible
Resource Archive News archive

Escalator Visual Arts

Eleven promising artists from the East of England will showcase work in London in July. Selected as part of Escalator Visual Arts initiative, the group represents a diversity of career stage, with two artists graduated within the last year, whilst […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

International Opps

Thank you for many years of a-n magazine. I have enjoyed using it very much. Recently I came to the realisation, as I rang yet another competition for details, that I was really using it for the artists’ opportunities. Only […]

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An Evening with Jabba the Hutt
Resource Archive News archive

Glittering prizes

A plethora of shortlists and prize-winners have recently been announced, making April a bonanza prize month.

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Wear and Tear
Resource Archive Feature

Re-mixing Africa

This spring, as part of the Africa 05 arts festival, a number of artists from around the African continent are in London making new work for various cultural institutions. Paul Glinkowski introduces the work of five of them.

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'Crystal Peaks' exhibition
Resource Archive

S1 Artspace

S1 Artspace provides studios for artists whose work is both contemporary and critically engaged.

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Resource Archive News archive

Research calls

Finding the Common Threads is a two-year study being conducted by the Centre for Creative Communities with support from Arts Council England, London and Deutsche Bank. With London as its focus, the project is investigating some of the issues funders […]

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NAN Cake
Resource Archive Feature

Quo vadis: Introduction

Chris Brown of g39 and Louise Short of Station, devisors of Quo Vadis, reflect on the motives, intentions and themes of the event.

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