Assembly - a-n The Artists Information Company

Resource Guide

Artist-led: further reading

Kevin Hunt compiles a list of both online and in print reading material about the artist-led sector, as a supplement to his essay People like us and the new Artist-Led Hot 100 (version ii).

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Resource Guide

People like us

Kevin Hunt explores the nature of temporariness and expiration, morphing and longevity in artist-led initiatives. Written to coincide with the launch of the Artist-Led Hot 100 (version ii) and Assembly Liverpool, May 2017.

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Blog Post

Come Together, Fall Apart

Since I last posted in July I’ve had a chunk of time ‘off’ with my son (whilst my Urban Rural Exchange with Karen Wood continued on Instagram), and have also been involved in a number of events, coming together with […]

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News News story

a-n Assembly: new events announced for Dundee and Cardiff

The next day-long a-n Assembly events will see Dundee playing host in October to an exploration of ‘cultural outposts’ and the challenges and advantages these offer for artist-led practice, while November’s event in Cardiff will focus on resilience and sustainability.

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News News story

a-n Assembly 2018: new series of “artist-led peer learning and sharing” events announced

a-n’s Assembly programme of workshops, talks and networking returns with a new series of one-day events taking place in four cities around the UK. With events in Salford and Birmingham already confirmed, we take a closer look at the Assembly Salford programme which will explore how artists can maintain their presence within a city region undergoing rapid development.

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News News feature

Pictures of… a-n Assembly events

Talks, tours, seminars, workshops, DIY building, chopping, cooking, eating: just some of the activities undertaken by artists at a-n’s Assembly events throughout May and June 2017. Here we pull together a collection of images from the events in Margate, Liverpool, Bristol, Newcastle and Leeds.

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Blog Post

Assembly Leeds – Resilience and Sustainability

Last Thursday I hoped to seek insights into sustaining a practice at the a-n Assembly event in Leeds. Artists were separated into small groups to participate in small discussions. I met with a curator from Tetley and a lady that works […]

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News News story

Post-election breakfast: “Artists can keep the focus on the big issues”

For the Post-election breakfast session as part of a-n’s Assembly Bristol event, four speakers discussed issues that ‘can sometimes mean having to have a difficult conversation’. Prior to this, facilitator Rivca Rubin asked those assembled to spend a few minutes reflecting on the outcome of the election. Here we report some of those reflections.

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Resource Profile

Cubitt 25 years: an artist-led history

Morgan Quaintance’ documentary explores Cubitt studios, Cubitt gallery and Cubitt education, taking a look at the history and present of the London-based organisation, its previous curators, artists and others who have been involved, as well as glimpsing into its possible future.

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Resource Profile

Artist-Led Hot 100 (version ii)

Kevin Hunt has created a new Artist-Led Hot 100 to celebrate some of the most exciting artist-led activity that has emerged during the past four years, since his original Hot 100 long-list was produced in Summer 2013. Focusing on projects that are “by artists, for artists”, the list highlights artist-led initiatives around the UK that are visibly active right now.

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News News story

Assembly Margate: “Working with artists is a compelling process”

Across two days of talks, workshops and get-togethers, Assembly Margate explored both the specifics of living and working as an artist in a town with a small population where art can be a contentious subject, and the broader picture of how artists deal with issues such as regeneration, gentrification and working with communities.

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News News story

Assembly Liverpool: focusing on artist-led activity

For the second of a-n’s touring programme of workshops, talks and get-togethers, we’re heading to Liverpool where artist Kevin Hunt has developed two days of activities focusing on the artist-led project spaces that punctuate the city’s institution-heavy gallery ecology.

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