Marketing - a-n The Artists Information Company

Job Professional Development

Storytelling for Small Business

A free live webinar helping you SHAPE your business strategy, SHARE your business story and SHAKE-UP the plan, all through storytelling techniques.

Research Cultural value

Arts Audiences: insight

Widely adopted breakdown of arts audiences into thirteen different “segments” for marketing use by organisations and local authorities.

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Monument to David Harper, the Casual Passer-By I Met at 11.28am, London 1972
Resource Archive Feature

The Campaign

Sacha Craddock’s contribution to ten two zero zero five, a-n Collections.

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Eight-fifty light
Resource Introduction

Artists’ product

Hilary Williams talks to four artists about how they have developed specific products. She learns about their initial motivation and inspiration, how they developed their ideas into production and what marketing strategies they employed for these particular products.

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