walking - Page 2 of 6 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Drawing The City – Inviting Others In

As we plan our exhibition together at Spitalfields Studios in November, Karen Wood and I are looking at how we can invite people into our collaboration, to share our working processes of noticing and recording. This is in part informed […]

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Blog Artist

a Drawing Space by Jonathan Polkest

This blog considers the act and the media of Drawing in both the organisational methodology and the essential instinctive gestural aspect of Making.

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Blog Post

Wind Drawing, Crowlink, East Sussex

The wind drawings are part of the on-going Mourning Stone Project https://www.a-n.co.uk/blogs/the-mourning-stone-project/ and a collaborative drawing research project Touching The World Lightly http://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/ttwl/ they began on a windy holiday in 2013 and re appeared in the Mourning Stone project in a different guise.

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Blog Post

In the studio March 2019

Emily Jolley, Tania Rutland, Jenny Staff, Anna Twinam-Cauchi and myself are working towards an exhibition at Worthing Museum and Gallery in June 2019. Our focus is Cissbury Ring and I have been up there walking, idling amongst the Gorse, picking […]

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Blog Post

A walk for Terminalia with Thread and Word

By way of an explanation, we will be celebrating Terminalia with Thread and Word in Seasalter through a walk with poetry readings ( you are welcome to bring a contribution) and the meditative knotting of ropes. I will supply the […]

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Blog Post

A walk for Terminalia with Thread and Word

Here a cement block which will be part of our walk in Seasalter celebrating the Roman God of Boundaries Terminus. Terminalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the god Terminus, who presided over boundaries. His statue was merely […]

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Blog Post

Proper dog walking

I walk every day with my Irish Terrier Fred. These are not done in the manner generally associated. A 20 minute round the block, down to the co-op for milk or along the coastal path with visitors on a windy […]

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Blog Post

A gentle stroll in the woods

We have been down the woods a few times recently. Looking at the colours and enjoying the walk not thinking much just experiencing the landscape. Fred is off searching and I’m just looking at the trees in a strange ‘semi […]

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Blog Post

The Gun Dogs

Fred has cut his back leg and does not seem too fused about going out this morning. He is curled up comfortable – lots of licking going on but generally seems Ok. I think he must have cut his leg […]

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Blog Post


I like the groyne works on the seafront. We walk together towards the town along the pebbly beach. I am climbing over the old groynes, ones that are not being replaced and the weathering and action of the tides has […]

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Blog Post

Street Furniture and Vanity Fair

Fed’s favourite day, its dustbin day with plenty to check out. I saw a guy changing the parking information signs on the seafront. I was interested to see if the costs had gone up? As it turns out no. These […]

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Blog Post

The End of Summer

Off the lead walk with Fred this time; and we are in our local woodlands Thornden Wood, which is part of the larger Blean swathe of woodlands north of Canterbury https://www.theblean.co.uk/ . I can see that the leaves are just […]

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Blog Post

Seafront Works

Fred has two types of walks those on the lead and those off the lead, this morning was an on the lead walk. On the lead walks are generally into town and at the moment the favourite is to the […]

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Blog Post

Orange and Green

Tonight’s walk was in some ways the antithesis of the one described in the post before, and again it was dark in the evening in the woods. This time the ‘incident’ happened early on and involved other dogs, not with […]

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Blog Post


I should have known from previous experience that blogging in the middle of a big  intense project wasn’t going to happen. I’m looking back, 6 or so  months on, at my last posts and my intentions to write here about […]

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Blog Post

Bank Holiday Monday (Morning)

We walked around our local streets, past the water leak bubbling out the road, Fred drinking from the stream of water running along the curb. The man who lives in the house right next to this water leak was cutting […]

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News News story

Artists + Instagram: The March of the Artists

The March of the Artists is a joint project by John-Paul Brown, Eve Robertson and Lauren Sagar. On 29 July 2018 they set off walking the 250 miles of river-ways and canals between Manchester and London, a planned 28-day trip avidly documented on Instagram.

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