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We had a short walk on the lead this morning, as I was uncertain about Fred’s leg (I needn’t have worried). Last night he rushed head long into the garden barking in over excitement at catching a cat, he clattered into the forest of garden furniture legs. I think the phrase ‘totally wiped out’ covers it. He ricocheted through on his side, on two legs and on his back. Came back into the kitchen limping rather heavily!

All was well in the morning which was dust bin day. We walked around and met no one at all, no dogs either, all strangely quiet. Fred has sniffed every bin outside every house on every street. While Fred was sniffing these bins, I remembered a comment about how many weeds were growing through the pavement. I don’t ever remember seeing weeds on this scale growing out of the pavements. Sadly I cant identify the species, but nice mosses in large clumps. It did feel a bit like a Stephen King novel with empty overgrown streets with no one around except for several dust carts patrolling the streets.